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Watch The Last Stand's Full-length Trailer on 11.7!

Get ready for a surprise, Arnold fans! Lionsgate told TAFs this morning that "The Last Stand" would finally have the full-length trailer online this month. Even better, the trailer will be released THIS WEDNESDAY through Google+! Will you be watching the trailer on Wednesday the 7th at 4pm PST? Well, to attend you'll need an invite so here's your invitation! If you have not already watched the short teaser trailer, click HERE to see it now!

UPDATE! The trailer is up and it's sweet. Check it out right here;

In other Last Stand news, check out these fan-made posters. Lionsgate Films had a contest for the fans to design their own posters and here's a few cool designs below. The one in the middle was designed by Jennings of TAFs. These three artists, and a few others, won some Last Stand mystery prizes. When the prizes arrive on Randy's doorstep, we'll tell you what they were.

Finally, here's a few recent Last Stand photos. We had these on our facebook pace last week so be sure to LIKE our fb page for breaking news and ballsy photos. Follow these three twitter accounts for the best up-to-the-minute Last Stand news: @LionsgateAction, @lionsgatemovies and @TheArnoldFans

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    Football is seriously a single of the greatest sports in America. It has a big following.

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