Jamie Lee Curtis Says "NEVER" on True Lies 2 & More!
Many exciting things have been happening in the Arnold world lately and TAFs is excited to bring you some of the cool stuff that's going on! Obviously, Arnold is busy filming his new movie, TEN, but that doesn't mean you have wait a full year to see the BIG man on the BIG screen again. In fact, the release of The Last Stand is just around the corner, slated to hit theaters January 18 (less than 2 months away)! And what's better than watching the film on opening night? How about BEING THERE at the world premiere! That's right, YOU could attend the world premiere of The Last Stand by doing one simple thing: tweeting the ballsy trailer from your Twitter account. It's easy: just go to www.laststandtrailersweeps.com, watch the trailer for yourself (you don't want to miss it), and then click the TWEET button. That's it! One lucky winner will then be selected to attend the world premiere of Arnold's next big flick. What are you waiting for?!?
In some lighter (and funnier) news, TAFs came across an awesome TV clip of the great Sven-Ole Thorsen (as the Terminator) taking on the Flash. If you're looking for a good laugh and quality entertainment, you wont want to miss it. You can view the video by going here:
And finally, we are happy to report that TAFs very own Brian Pearson had the opportunity to meet Arnold co-star Jamie Lee Curtis this past weekend in Indianapolis. During her Q&A with fans, Jamie was asked about rumors surrounding a possible sequel to True Lies. Here's what she had to say:
"No, there are is no truth to the True Lies 2 rumors. That will never happen. It won't happen primarily because of 9/11. Jim (Cameron) said to me that we can't ever make a comedy about terrorism again, or certainly we can't for the foreseeable future. To try to do a comedy around that kind of activity would be impossible today. And you couldn't make a movie like that today because the scope and size is so enormous. The cost and the budget would be so outrageous. And the truth of the matter is, Arnold and I are old. I mean, really old. You're not going to want to go watch a movie with these two old people. You might want to go see a movie with Elisha Dushku dancing around, though. But I don't think it's ever going to happen. In fact, I know it will never happen and it shouldn't happen."
Sad news for fans of True Lies but nice to get a comment from Helen Tasker herself on the project.
That's all for now. Until next time, loyal TAFians!

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