"Ten" Begins Filming! Who lives in Atlanta?

Several homes from the neighborhood will be seen on film and one house will serve for an interior murder scene. Residents of a neighborhood off Brockett Road in Tucker were asked to keep the noise down while filming. A flyer for TEN was left on their doors and in mailboxes. It asks residents to be respectful if they possess "loud or aggressive animals" and to "schedule any chores that involve loud power tools or lawn equipment for another day."
So who lives in Atlanta and who would like to do some reports for our readers? If you live near Tucker, try to find out where on Brockett Road the film crews are located and maybe you can watch some filming or see Arnold walking around in the neighborhood. The Tucker location is Brockett Walk, close to Lawrenceville Highway, on Oct. 23 and 24. The location is a closed set. While there is no way to enforce a closed set when filming in a public place such as this, lucky fans can possibly still get a peak but are asked to be respectful to the cast and crew.

"Breacher"...will be very like a new "Predator,'" Schwarzenegger told Empire Magazine. "It's a team around me and they get knocked off until there's only me left. Except in this case there will be a different twist to the whole thing instead of some alien monster."
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