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Exclusive Interview with Danny Cooksey (Tim) of Terminator 2!

I know everyone is super excited for the new Terminator: Dark Fate trailer to drop so we can see what the NEW Terminator film looks like but while you’re all pacing around waiting, let’s revisit Terminator 2 with an exclusive interview I just did with Danny Cooksey, John Connor’s best friend

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See an Arnold Artist's Exhibit in LA!

Are you West-coasters feeling left out with Columbus' "Art at the Arnold" every year? Well, an Arnold Fan wrote us to tell about his own Arnold Art which will be featured in a new exhibit in LA starting tomorrow, April 20!

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The 2019 International Sports Hall of Fame Award Ceremony!

The 2019 International Sports Hall of Fame event at the Arnold Sports Festival this year was fantastic and we were lucky enough to be invited to this high-profile event. The Hall of Fame ceremony was brought up by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who wanted to recognize those in the athletic community giving back to others.

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“Dark Fate” Clips Gets Rave Reviews from Cinema Con!

Even I was surprised to see that the tides have turned now in favor of a new Terminator film! With the last three films getting only lackluster or lukewarm reviews, critics and fans earlier said to have nearly sworn off all future Terminator films but surprisingly, Tim Miller’s direct follow-up to Judgment Day, "Dark Fate” blew away just about everyone at Cinema Con

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Interview with The World’s Strongest Man, Eddie Hall aka The Beast! 

Eddie Hall, aka “The Beast”, is the strongest human being on the face of the Earth. Even before winning the title of World's Strongest Man in 2017, he had made a variety of historic first victories in the world of strength sports including the heaviest long bar strongman deadlift (1025 lbs) and the heaviest axle press (476 lbs). He’s the first person to win Britain’s Strongest Man four consecutive times, and of course, he’s the first and only person to have ever deadlift 1102 lbs before!

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Greenlight Collectibles Terminator Cars & Special Event on May 10th!

Greenlight Collectibles is doing a fantastic job of continuing to produce more highly-detailed vehicles from The Terminator. Some of these vehicles even come with characters! You can find an endoskeleton with the 1977 Dodge Monaco Metropolitan Police car and look for a 1983 Jeep CJ-7 Renegade with or without a Sarah Connor figure!

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The Austrian Oak Meets James O’Neal’s Oak!

James O’Neal, a very talented wood carving artist, spoke to TheArnoldFans at the Arnold Sports Festival. James is based out of New Jersey, where he uses reclaimed wood to make his insane pieces. The Arnold piece, in particular, is made from black oak, took 6 months to complete, and was admired in person by Arnold himself during the show!

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Exclusive Interview with Terminator’s Gabriel Luna!

TheArnoldFans caught up with Gabriel Luna at the Arnold Sports Festival this month and this T6 star was gracious enough to stop for a quick interview. Reports says Luna will play a new T-800 model Terminator and who knows..

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Exclusive: Chef Rush's 24-inch Biceps Push Motivation, Not Pencils!

Chef Rush is a combat veteran who does 2,222 pushups daily to raise awareness for the average 22 veteran suicides daily here in the USA. 24-inch biceps pop out of his chef shirt so naturally Arnold Schwarzenegger took interest in a hero with amazing biceps and a heart of gold!

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Experience Arnold 2019 (5th Year Anniversary)

In 1992, Arnold Schwarzenegger founded After-School All-Stars to provide quality learning experiences that ALL kids deserve. Every year in Columbus, Ohio The Arnold Sports Festival (aka The Arnold Classic) is hosted every year making it bigger than the Olympics.

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