The destructive and deadly Southern California wildfires are now fully contained , thanks to the heroic first responders. Brave firefighters from all regions sacrificed much to battle the flames and preserve as much beloved California property as possible. Many citizens and celebrities lost their homes (Jeff Bridges, Billy Crystal, Mel Gibson, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, John Goodman). Maria Shriver did not lose her home but she was forced to evacuate. The fires did not dare approach Arnold Schwarzenegger’s home but he was flooded with concern on social media.
Arnold writes, "A lot of you reached out after my last email about the fires and said you want to do more for LA. I love your spirit. Like I always say, together, we have the power to lift up the world. Because you all wanted to show your support, I asked my team to design a shirt we could sell for the Arnold’s Pump Club team to show their support, and I asked them that every single cent of profit be donated to the LAFD Foundation, the California Fire Foundation, and Habitat for Humanity Greater Los Angeles’ ReBUILD LA to support people who have lost everything with immediate needs and long term support."
Thanks to Arnold and his Pump Club, we can still order his LA STRONG shirt and all the fees will go to those great organizations in need!
Arnold: "I’m going to lead the way. I’m giving $1 million of my own money — split between those three organizations equally. Because I’m also not a fan of rich people or businesses with tons of money that ask their followers and fans to donate for them. It is not my style. This is not one of those things where I’m matching your donations or just counting your shirt profits as part of my donation. Knowing how much all of you care about lifting up the world, I won’t be surprised if you match me. But I’m giving a million no matter what. Everything you give is the cherry on top. These firefighters put their lives on the line for us. Some of these people lost absolutely everything. Some of these people lost absolutely everything. They need us now. Are you with me?”