Exclusive: Hasselhoff on Terminator + Pamela Anderson & Lutz on EX4!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 10:03AM
Ryan Gillen in Randy Jennings, interviews-expendables

In recent Expendables 4 news, Arnold Schwarzenegger told his friend, Stallone, that he should do another Expendables movie. Perhaps Arnold has way too much fun on these films while being paid a ridiculous amount of money so why not star in a few more. The Expendables movies are a ton of fun so we welcome more sequels. Kellan Lutz of Expendables 3 just spoke to TheArnoldFans about his hopeful sequel!

TheArnoldFans: Kellan, What's your best Schwarzenegger story and would you like to be in Expendables 4?

Kellan Lutz: "Yes! I wanna be in every Expendables movie! That franchise is just me to a T.  Favorite Arnold moment - when we're all in the Helicopter in Expendables 3 and Arnold was just saying BARNEY, GET TO THE CHOPPA!"

TheArnoldFans: Who do YOU think would make great villains in the sequel?  

Kellan Lutz: Villians: I heard that Hulk Hogan was in talks & I think that would be BRILLIANT! I'm a huge fan & that would be freakin' awesome. would cool to see Benicio de Toro, Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy would be interesting. Just thinking way outside the box. Would even be cool to see Sigourney Weaver!

Sigourney Weaver would be good! Wasn't Stallone going to do an all female cast called The Expendabelles? When we had an opportunity to speak with David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson, we suggested she might be a nice fit for this or the TV series.

TheArnoldFans: Pamela, There's talk of an Expendables all-female-cast movie or TV series in the works. Would you make a good Expendables action hero?

Pamela Anderson: "Sure! Hahaha!"

What do you do to stay in shape?

Pamela Anderson: "I don't exercise a lot. But I walk a lot. You know? I walk on the beach, or go for hikes with my girlfriends or my dogs. I'm not a big workout person. I thin your diet is very important. I'm vegan. And just having an active life. But I don't go to a gym. I walk on a treadmill if I can't get outside."

TheArnoldFans: Hi David, What do you do to stay in shape? What exercises do you do? How often do you hit the gym and were guys like Sly and Schwarzenegger fitness role models for you?

Hasselhoff: "You know, I know them personally, and I have to tell ya, both of them are really good guys on a personal level. I spend as much time as I can each day devoted to working out - whether it's just 20 minute of cardio, or lifting weights, or I do a lot of bike riding now, a lot of hiking. The key is consistency, and I think 90% of staying in shape is diet. And if you adhere to a decent diet, you can still go off and have a McDonald's ice cream once in a while, and not show it. But it's consistency."

TheArnoldFans: David, do you go to the movies much? Terminator 5 is coming this summer...Are you a Terminator fan and would you make a good Hoffinator?

Hasselhoff: "I'd make a great Hoffinator. I'm more of a fan of movies like AMERICAN SNIPER than I am of TERMINATOR or STAR WARS. I am planning on releasing my own animated show soon. And you'll be hearing about that. It's quite exciting. And I'm actually sitting in the studios right now - when I took a break from meeting with my supervising producers and writers to talk to you guys!"

TheArnoldFans: Pamela, David Hasselhoff told me he'd make a great Terminator in an Arnold film...do you agree and would YOU TOO make a great Terminator? Would you play a better nice terminator or an evil one?

Pamela Anderson: "I don't think David would make a very good Terminator, hahaha! And to be a Terminator, you'd have to be quite evil... right?"

Article originally appeared on TheArnoldFans (http://www.thearnoldfans.com/).
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