In less than two weeks, we’ll all be able to finally watch Expendables 3 on the big screen, the way it was meant to be seen! It’s unfortunate that the film has leaked online but TheArnoldFans discourages any fan from stealing it when the cast and film crew worked so hard to bring you an adventurous theatrical experience. Bottom line, if you downloaded the film, you owe it to Arnold and the other action heroes to PAY for a full price ticket of EX3 on opening weekend! If you don’t, YOU FAIL as a true fan. Support your screen heroes in the box office and show the world that these types of action films are still in high demand. Please don’t download the movie; hold out until the REAL theatrical release, see it on the big screen, with your friends and family, with the best sound system and make it a special event!

You KNOW you want to see Arnold on the big screen . After all, Schwarzenegger was voted the public’s FAVORITE Expendables action hero! That’s right, if you didn’t already hear, Lionsgate’s official Expendables 3 Twitter account hosted a month-long voting challenge for the fans to pick our favorite hero from this film franchise. Week after week, Arnold continued to dominate the voting rounds and in the end, not even the lead actors Stallone or Statham could match up to the voting power of Schwarzenegger’s fans. Well done, Arnold! You’re forever numero uno!
We hope to see the Austrian Oak at the Hollywood premiere next week although he is not confirmed to attend. Still, we’re hoping for a surprise appearance. TheArnoldFans will again be there to cover the red carpet and ask the cast and crew some ballsy questions and have them answered immediately.
See you in the cinemas on August 14th! That's right, many theater chains are releasing the film a day early and
Cinemark, in many cities, is doing a whole Expendables movie marathon from 3:15pm all the way through 9pm. That's a lot of action so be sure to quench your thirst with the Expendables 3 theater collector cups while you're at the movies!
Now check out this final Expendables 3 trailer to get you all pumped up for your movie-going experience!
Article originally appeared on TheArnoldFans (
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